Plan Right and Get Started
Over the past 40 years, automotive restoration has become big business, with thousands of specialty shops restoring old cars and trucks for profit. But before that, it was done by dedicated enthusiasts, working in their home garage, often in their spare time away from regular day jobs. This tradition is still carried on, and thanks to modern technology, it's easier than ever to restore an old car.

For the weekend hobbyist, it may take several years to complete the same restoration project that a pro shop can complete in six months. Most of us have other commitments, such as families and jobs that take up most of our time, leaving us weekends or an evening or two. But we can get it done.
A Simple Plan Is Better Than No Plan
With limited time and money, it is essential that you make a plan. Completion will be quicker and easier.
Here's one way to target your goal better. Picture how you want the car to look when complete, then in reverse order, write down the steps of how that could be accomplished.

Project Car Selection
For most old car enthusiasts, turning down any project car is hard, but that's what will separate your next project from ones that fail. Consider your time and your money while selecting a project car.
Not many people can realize the effort it will take to finish until they are actually in the middle of a restoration.
Restoring A Car On A Budget
Yes, you can easily restore a car on a budget, and with the same quality results. It'll just take longer to complete.
Before starting your next old car project, grab a pen and paper and write down a simple budget. Having those dollar figures written down in black and white will help you target the end result better.
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